Raspberry ketone: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects
Pure antioxidant compounds can be extracted from raspberries. Discover their strengths and weaknesses and they lose weight.
If you watch TV, read the newspaper, listen to the radio, or surf the Internet, you have probably seen or heard at one time or another, advertising for raspberry ketones. This is a new ingredient "miracle fat burner in a bottle", which is supposed to melt your fat without you changing anything in your lifestyle . supplements containing this compound has increased tremendously in popularity from a passage in the television program "Dr. Oz" (led by a heart surgeon and university professor named Mehmet Oz, co-produced by Oprah Winfrey show) in February 2012. We will see in this article if its use is justified as well as its health benefits and risks.
What is it?
Raspberry ketones are antioxidant compounds (phenolic) naturally found in raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, peaches, grapes, apples and other fruits. It is this compound that give fruits of raspberry attractive aroma . When ketones are extracted from raspberries, they can be used to add fragrance and flavor to things such as sodas, ice creams and cosmetics. Because the cost of natural extraction is very high, this compound is often produced synthetically in a laboratory. Also known as rhéosmine, Raspberry Ketone has been used as a flavoring agent for over 90 years. In the field of cosmetics, it is a costly perfume. But the buzz that has put the Raspberry Ketone on the spotlight recently is the claim that supplements containing raspberry ketone (sold as dietary supplements) can melt fat and prevent weight gain, even when taken with a diet rich in fat. Can they really do that? The simple answer is, nobody knows (yet). Experts say that investing a few dollars in a bottle of Raspberry Ketone is not completely lost, and that these compounds have both virtues and risks. Generally, a kilogram of raspberries is needed to extract only between 1 and 4 mg of pure Raspberry Ketone. For the very low extractable quantity of these fruits (inducing a high cost), the Raspberry Ketone is mainly prepared industrially by a variety of methods, from chemical intermediates. One way to make it is to do catalytic cross aldol hydrogenation.
Raspberry ketones are used in perfumery, cosmetics and as a food additive to give a fruity odor . This is one of the natural aroma compounds that are more expensively used in the food industry . The natural compound can cost up to 15,000 euros per kg. Synthetic version of Raspberry Ketone is very cheap. It only costs a couple of euros per 500 grams, which means that despite the high price, even a large bottle contains only a few cents Raspberry Ketone (synthesis). You too imagine the incredible benefits to the manufacturers of these supplements.
What the scientists say?
So far, there are no studies on the effects of raspberry ketone on weight loss in humans. The few available studies on the effect of raspberry ketone on fat cells were performed on laboratory animals. They were conducted from 10 to 15 years. The researchers analyzed the effect of raspberry ketone on rats, mice and rabbits. There are also some studies on the effect of raspberry ketone on isolated cells in test tubes. However, there is no way of knowing whether the same results can be produced in humans. Excitement about the potential benefits of raspberry ketone is understandable. In studies on animals, these compounds seem to alter metabolism. Consequently, these animals had a:
Faster processing of fats.
Fat reduction, especially in the liver .
In these studies, raspberry ketones also appeared to affect the production of certain hormones that increase the body's ability to burn fat. However, no study has investigated whether raspberry ketone would produce the same effect on metabolism and hormone production in humans. As there is no study that can demonstrate these benefits, experts say you should save money by not buying these compounds. Instead, focus on a healthy and balanced diet and a regular workout . Many studies have shown that these two factors are effective in helping a good body weight management.
Health Benefits
1) Advantage assumed on thermogenesis
One study examined the effect of raspberry ketone on the energy metabolism by measuring metabolic markers in tissues of brown fat (it is a special type of fat, which generates heat in a process called thermogenesis). These results indicate that the raspberry ketone activates brown fat thermogenesis and improves energy metabolism. But in all cases, further studies conducted on humans are needed to determine the mechanism of raspberry ketone. Indeed, the study in question was conducted on human cells but only in Petri dishes (not in the human body).
2) Slows Aging
Experts do not dispute the high content of antioxidants in raspberry ketone. You consume more foods rich in antioxidants, the more you fight the free radicals in your body and you better protect your body from various diseases and cellular damage. Fighting free radicals in your, will decrease the signs of aging in your cells and your skin.
3) Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and liver cancer The adinopectine (a protein hormone in the body and released from the raspberry ketone) helps to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes . It also helps to prevent accumulation of fatty plaques in the artery walls and reduce the likelihood of developing fatty liver disease , which is a risk factor for liver cancer.
4) Prevent other diseases The raspberry ketone contain salicylic acid naturally. This means they can help fight against atherosclerosis and heart disease. they can even help reduce inflammation and pain.
5) Prevents hair loss. Some people apply the raspberry ketone on the scalp to improve hair growth. A Japanese study published in 2008 analyzed the application of raspberry ketone on the scalp and on the face of 10 people suffering from alopecia (hair loss) . They found that the raspberry ketone has a regrowth of hair in 5 people, and the elasticity of the skin is improved at the chins of 5 women. The results of this study is tiny (too small sample) and have not yet been replicated in a further study.
Does Raspberry ketones help lose weight?
raspberry ketone has become fashionable for those who want to lose weight at all cost, despite the fact that only a few small studies of rodents exist. Although products containing the raspberry ketone are marketed as supplements fat burners , there is no scientific evidence of this effect in humans. A preliminary study by American (published in 1970) conducted on laboratory mice was analyzed for potential toxicity of raspberry ketone. The researchers scanned at the same time the impact of these compounds on the weight of these mice. They compared the use of raspberry ketone in these mice to the average consumption of raspberry ketone in humans who take supplements (or 0.42 mg / kg / day). Researchers found no effect on body weight of these rodents. Yet the doses were very high (up to 100 mg / kg in some mice, 238 times more than humans). Another study by a team of Japanese scientists (published in February 2005 in the journal "Life Sciences ") reported that mice who adopted a diet and t consumed raspberry ketone did not become obese. Another more recent study (conducted by Korean researchers and published in the journal "Planta Medica" in April 2010) has shown that when Researchers gave very large doses of CF to male rats (up to 20 g / kg, or 4761 times more than humans), these rats stocked less fat after eating fatty foods . The effect related to high dosage and alteration of lipid metabolism, increasing norepinephrine-induced lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation in adipocytes in culture. It is important not to jump up at these results.
The researchers note that this positive effect was not systematic (not observed in 100% of rats tested), and it requires inputs probably too high for the human body (1.6 kg raspberry ketone in a person weighing 80 kg, the dose may not be accepted by the organization and the risks may outweigh the benefits in this case). In addition, nothing says taking a huge dosage as humans can produce the same effect. Given that few studies that exist are conducted only on animals, many scientists are even more surprised by the buzz generated by these compounds they have never seen a single study (even tiny) that demonstrates that someone could lose weight by taking these supplements.s
The scientific community continues to criticize and fight the media sensationalism and advertisements touting raspberry ketone to lose weight. It warns strongly against its use for this purpose. First, mice and rats are not humans. Rodents are often used as precursors to studies on humans, but only 85% of our DNA is identical to that of mouse. This means that 15% of our DNA do not resemble, this is a lot! Furthermore, mice and lab rats live in cages, not in the real world. And these rodents received power control. They had no access - unlike normal human - to fast food, pizza, ice creams, snacks or snacks with fat and calories. They can not get up in the middle of the night to get something to eat in the refrigerator. Their metabolism is significantly less complex than humans. As a way of comparison, when leptin (the hunger hormone) was discovered in the mid-1990s , studies had demonstrated that it allowed the mice to lose weight (injection).
Many thought they had found the cure against obesity. Unfortunately, studies on humans proved ineffective. In other words, there is no valid connection (of any kind) between the two studies cited above (Japanese and Korean) on your chances of losing weight . And according to supporters, raspberry ketone is supposed to help improve the activity of the human hormone adiponectin, which plays a role in regulating blood sugar and body weight. Adiponectin acts in the body to change the blood sugar and insulin levels. So, we think that the raspberry ketone can be an aid to weight loss, is that not it? Not so fast, so far there is no study in humans to show weight loss as a result of the consumption of CF. Vendors rely on buzz raspberry ketone( thanks to the Internet and social networks), the rapid repetition of pseudo-science to create the impression that using this compound diet is possible. But like many people do not understand human biochemistry, the pseudo-science that is put forward to promote this product may seem impressive. Since obesity is climbing in Western countries , and more People are trying desperately to lose weight, we will continue to see countless other fad diets. Most of them will be based on ingredients that do not work or only marginally so if no significant weight reduction can be achieved. So be careful with the craze for illegitimate "regime of raspberry ketone" which is also very fashionable. The principles for weight loss and stabilization are not based on miracles.Consume fewer calories, eat more unprocessed foods and "healthy" foods , engage in sports or other physical activities regularly to shed extra calories. If you do not follow these basics, nothing will happen (or maybe a simple loss of water weight). And for those who watched the show Dr. Oz. Yes, the doctor showed before and after photos of women who claim to have lost weight by taking supplements raspberry ketone, but he also explained that all these women had reduced their calorie intake and engaged in more sport at the same time. The impact of raspberry ketone on their weight loss is not measurable , the impact on their wallet is much easier to gauge. Briefly, raspberry ketone supplements are based on trust and the desire to believe people to sell good products, and do not provide great thing in return. And very many people too have tried this product before crying foul, and for good reason, they have not lost a gram (often despite a healthy diet).
The potential unknown side effects and risks
Raspberry ketone ("raspberry ketone" in English) is generally not considered harmful in foods and cosmetics. However, nobody knows what effects supplements can cause on overall health.This is because there is no study in humans to document potential adverse effects of these compounds. There is no study that has analyzed drug interactions or food either. There is generally no side effects with raspberry ketone. However, if a person is allergic to raspberry ketone then better not to take it . Indeed, raspberry ketone is, chemically similar to other stimulants (such as synephrine), suggesting some potential side effects. And some people that took supplements raspberry ketones have reported cases of:
Increase in blood pressure ,
Sensation of trembling,
Rapid heartbeat (palpitations most especially if the person suffers from thyroid problems)
Sensations of warmth, flushing,
Burning in the throat,
Cravings, sugar cravings.
But without proof, no one can say what is the right dosage for supplements (if indeed there is one) so that safety is certain. The best advice is to discuss your concerns about obesity and weight management with your doctor before trying any weight loss method that has not been proven . Even specialists know very little about the long-term safety of supplements raspberry ketones supplements. In 1965, the Federal Agency U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had given a status of the compound ingredient "generally recognized as non-harmful" when used as a food additive in small quantities.
Special precautions
Very little information is available on the safety of Raspberry ketones in the body of pregnant women or breast-feeding mothers. Be cautious and so avoid taking supplements of raspberry ketones during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Dosage, toxicity
The appropriate dose of raspberry ketone depends on several factors such as age, health, and disease of the user. Currently, experts do not have enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for this compound. Keep in mind that even natural products are not necessarily devoid of danger. Observe the relevant information on product labels and consult your pharmacist or doctor before taking products containing these compounds. Manufacturers of raspberry ketones supplements suggest to consume between 100 and 300 mg each day. Note that to obtain 100 mg of raspberry ketones without pills manufactured synthetically, you would have to eat an average of 50 pounds of natural raspberries.
The price to pay for supplements raspberry ketones varies from 15 to 50 euros per month, depending on the dosage you want . We believe that any price may be too high for products whose efficacy has never been demonstrated by at least one scientific study, thus saving money to buy healthy food instead and doing sports is good to consider. And you, what do you use raspberry ketones for? What do you think of the benefits and side effects? Read comments or add your review below on this page. If you liked this article, thank you for recommending it on Facebook, tweeter, give it a +1 on Google Plus vote.
If you watch TV, read the newspaper, listen to the radio, or surf the Internet, you have probably seen or heard at one time or another, advertising for raspberry ketones. This is a new ingredient "miracle fat burner in a bottle", which is supposed to melt your fat without you changing anything in your lifestyle . supplements containing this compound has increased tremendously in popularity from a passage in the television program "Dr. Oz" (led by a heart surgeon and university professor named Mehmet Oz, co-produced by Oprah Winfrey show) in February 2012. We will see in this article if its use is justified as well as its health benefits and risks.
What is it?
Raspberry ketones are antioxidant compounds (phenolic) naturally found in raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, peaches, grapes, apples and other fruits. It is this compound that give fruits of raspberry attractive aroma . When ketones are extracted from raspberries, they can be used to add fragrance and flavor to things such as sodas, ice creams and cosmetics. Because the cost of natural extraction is very high, this compound is often produced synthetically in a laboratory. Also known as rhéosmine, Raspberry Ketone has been used as a flavoring agent for over 90 years. In the field of cosmetics, it is a costly perfume. But the buzz that has put the Raspberry Ketone on the spotlight recently is the claim that supplements containing raspberry ketone (sold as dietary supplements) can melt fat and prevent weight gain, even when taken with a diet rich in fat. Can they really do that? The simple answer is, nobody knows (yet). Experts say that investing a few dollars in a bottle of Raspberry Ketone is not completely lost, and that these compounds have both virtues and risks. Generally, a kilogram of raspberries is needed to extract only between 1 and 4 mg of pure Raspberry Ketone. For the very low extractable quantity of these fruits (inducing a high cost), the Raspberry Ketone is mainly prepared industrially by a variety of methods, from chemical intermediates. One way to make it is to do catalytic cross aldol hydrogenation.
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Raspberry Ketones |
Raspberry ketones are used in perfumery, cosmetics and as a food additive to give a fruity odor . This is one of the natural aroma compounds that are more expensively used in the food industry . The natural compound can cost up to 15,000 euros per kg. Synthetic version of Raspberry Ketone is very cheap. It only costs a couple of euros per 500 grams, which means that despite the high price, even a large bottle contains only a few cents Raspberry Ketone (synthesis). You too imagine the incredible benefits to the manufacturers of these supplements.
What the scientists say?
So far, there are no studies on the effects of raspberry ketone on weight loss in humans. The few available studies on the effect of raspberry ketone on fat cells were performed on laboratory animals. They were conducted from 10 to 15 years. The researchers analyzed the effect of raspberry ketone on rats, mice and rabbits. There are also some studies on the effect of raspberry ketone on isolated cells in test tubes. However, there is no way of knowing whether the same results can be produced in humans. Excitement about the potential benefits of raspberry ketone is understandable. In studies on animals, these compounds seem to alter metabolism. Consequently, these animals had a:
Faster processing of fats.
Fat reduction, especially in the liver .
In these studies, raspberry ketones also appeared to affect the production of certain hormones that increase the body's ability to burn fat. However, no study has investigated whether raspberry ketone would produce the same effect on metabolism and hormone production in humans. As there is no study that can demonstrate these benefits, experts say you should save money by not buying these compounds. Instead, focus on a healthy and balanced diet and a regular workout . Many studies have shown that these two factors are effective in helping a good body weight management.
Health Benefits
1) Advantage assumed on thermogenesis
One study examined the effect of raspberry ketone on the energy metabolism by measuring metabolic markers in tissues of brown fat (it is a special type of fat, which generates heat in a process called thermogenesis). These results indicate that the raspberry ketone activates brown fat thermogenesis and improves energy metabolism. But in all cases, further studies conducted on humans are needed to determine the mechanism of raspberry ketone. Indeed, the study in question was conducted on human cells but only in Petri dishes (not in the human body).
2) Slows Aging
Experts do not dispute the high content of antioxidants in raspberry ketone. You consume more foods rich in antioxidants, the more you fight the free radicals in your body and you better protect your body from various diseases and cellular damage. Fighting free radicals in your, will decrease the signs of aging in your cells and your skin.
3) Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and liver cancer The adinopectine (a protein hormone in the body and released from the raspberry ketone) helps to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes . It also helps to prevent accumulation of fatty plaques in the artery walls and reduce the likelihood of developing fatty liver disease , which is a risk factor for liver cancer.
4) Prevent other diseases The raspberry ketone contain salicylic acid naturally. This means they can help fight against atherosclerosis and heart disease. they can even help reduce inflammation and pain.
5) Prevents hair loss. Some people apply the raspberry ketone on the scalp to improve hair growth. A Japanese study published in 2008 analyzed the application of raspberry ketone on the scalp and on the face of 10 people suffering from alopecia (hair loss) . They found that the raspberry ketone has a regrowth of hair in 5 people, and the elasticity of the skin is improved at the chins of 5 women. The results of this study is tiny (too small sample) and have not yet been replicated in a further study.
Does Raspberry ketones help lose weight?
raspberry ketone has become fashionable for those who want to lose weight at all cost, despite the fact that only a few small studies of rodents exist. Although products containing the raspberry ketone are marketed as supplements fat burners , there is no scientific evidence of this effect in humans. A preliminary study by American (published in 1970) conducted on laboratory mice was analyzed for potential toxicity of raspberry ketone. The researchers scanned at the same time the impact of these compounds on the weight of these mice. They compared the use of raspberry ketone in these mice to the average consumption of raspberry ketone in humans who take supplements (or 0.42 mg / kg / day). Researchers found no effect on body weight of these rodents. Yet the doses were very high (up to 100 mg / kg in some mice, 238 times more than humans). Another study by a team of Japanese scientists (published in February 2005 in the journal "Life Sciences ") reported that mice who adopted a diet and t consumed raspberry ketone did not become obese. Another more recent study (conducted by Korean researchers and published in the journal "Planta Medica" in April 2010) has shown that when Researchers gave very large doses of CF to male rats (up to 20 g / kg, or 4761 times more than humans), these rats stocked less fat after eating fatty foods . The effect related to high dosage and alteration of lipid metabolism, increasing norepinephrine-induced lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation in adipocytes in culture. It is important not to jump up at these results.
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Raspberry Ketones |
The scientific community continues to criticize and fight the media sensationalism and advertisements touting raspberry ketone to lose weight. It warns strongly against its use for this purpose. First, mice and rats are not humans. Rodents are often used as precursors to studies on humans, but only 85% of our DNA is identical to that of mouse. This means that 15% of our DNA do not resemble, this is a lot! Furthermore, mice and lab rats live in cages, not in the real world. And these rodents received power control. They had no access - unlike normal human - to fast food, pizza, ice creams, snacks or snacks with fat and calories. They can not get up in the middle of the night to get something to eat in the refrigerator. Their metabolism is significantly less complex than humans. As a way of comparison, when leptin (the hunger hormone) was discovered in the mid-1990s , studies had demonstrated that it allowed the mice to lose weight (injection).
Many thought they had found the cure against obesity. Unfortunately, studies on humans proved ineffective. In other words, there is no valid connection (of any kind) between the two studies cited above (Japanese and Korean) on your chances of losing weight . And according to supporters, raspberry ketone is supposed to help improve the activity of the human hormone adiponectin, which plays a role in regulating blood sugar and body weight. Adiponectin acts in the body to change the blood sugar and insulin levels. So, we think that the raspberry ketone can be an aid to weight loss, is that not it? Not so fast, so far there is no study in humans to show weight loss as a result of the consumption of CF. Vendors rely on buzz raspberry ketone( thanks to the Internet and social networks), the rapid repetition of pseudo-science to create the impression that using this compound diet is possible. But like many people do not understand human biochemistry, the pseudo-science that is put forward to promote this product may seem impressive. Since obesity is climbing in Western countries , and more People are trying desperately to lose weight, we will continue to see countless other fad diets. Most of them will be based on ingredients that do not work or only marginally so if no significant weight reduction can be achieved. So be careful with the craze for illegitimate "regime of raspberry ketone" which is also very fashionable. The principles for weight loss and stabilization are not based on miracles.Consume fewer calories, eat more unprocessed foods and "healthy" foods , engage in sports or other physical activities regularly to shed extra calories. If you do not follow these basics, nothing will happen (or maybe a simple loss of water weight). And for those who watched the show Dr. Oz. Yes, the doctor showed before and after photos of women who claim to have lost weight by taking supplements raspberry ketone, but he also explained that all these women had reduced their calorie intake and engaged in more sport at the same time. The impact of raspberry ketone on their weight loss is not measurable , the impact on their wallet is much easier to gauge. Briefly, raspberry ketone supplements are based on trust and the desire to believe people to sell good products, and do not provide great thing in return. And very many people too have tried this product before crying foul, and for good reason, they have not lost a gram (often despite a healthy diet).
The potential unknown side effects and risks
Raspberry ketone ("raspberry ketone" in English) is generally not considered harmful in foods and cosmetics. However, nobody knows what effects supplements can cause on overall health.This is because there is no study in humans to document potential adverse effects of these compounds. There is no study that has analyzed drug interactions or food either. There is generally no side effects with raspberry ketone. However, if a person is allergic to raspberry ketone then better not to take it . Indeed, raspberry ketone is, chemically similar to other stimulants (such as synephrine), suggesting some potential side effects. And some people that took supplements raspberry ketones have reported cases of:
Increase in blood pressure ,
Sensation of trembling,
Rapid heartbeat (palpitations most especially if the person suffers from thyroid problems)
Sensations of warmth, flushing,
Burning in the throat,
Cravings, sugar cravings.
But without proof, no one can say what is the right dosage for supplements (if indeed there is one) so that safety is certain. The best advice is to discuss your concerns about obesity and weight management with your doctor before trying any weight loss method that has not been proven . Even specialists know very little about the long-term safety of supplements raspberry ketones supplements. In 1965, the Federal Agency U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had given a status of the compound ingredient "generally recognized as non-harmful" when used as a food additive in small quantities.
Special precautions
Very little information is available on the safety of Raspberry ketones in the body of pregnant women or breast-feeding mothers. Be cautious and so avoid taking supplements of raspberry ketones during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Dosage, toxicity
The appropriate dose of raspberry ketone depends on several factors such as age, health, and disease of the user. Currently, experts do not have enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for this compound. Keep in mind that even natural products are not necessarily devoid of danger. Observe the relevant information on product labels and consult your pharmacist or doctor before taking products containing these compounds. Manufacturers of raspberry ketones supplements suggest to consume between 100 and 300 mg each day. Note that to obtain 100 mg of raspberry ketones without pills manufactured synthetically, you would have to eat an average of 50 pounds of natural raspberries.
The price to pay for supplements raspberry ketones varies from 15 to 50 euros per month, depending on the dosage you want . We believe that any price may be too high for products whose efficacy has never been demonstrated by at least one scientific study, thus saving money to buy healthy food instead and doing sports is good to consider. And you, what do you use raspberry ketones for? What do you think of the benefits and side effects? Read comments or add your review below on this page. If you liked this article, thank you for recommending it on Facebook, tweeter, give it a +1 on Google Plus vote.
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