New Scientific Discovery: What Obesity Does To The Brain

             New Scientific Discovery: What Obesity Does To The Brain
Is it possible for a daily dosage of your favourite burger to affect your brain? It might be just possible because  of scientific discoveries coming out recently.Nature Neuroscience linked diets high in fat to neurogenesis and obesity in mice. The brain changes can be good or bad, let's look at this issue in more details

Neurogenesis can be defined simply as the growth of new brain cells and the neurogenesis from this study is a very special form of brain change. Neurogenesis can be seen as the outcome of neuroplasticity based on the life choices we make on a daily basis. Good lifestyle promotes neuroplasticity and a bad choice of lifestyle may also produce results that are not desirable. In the John Hopkins Research, it was gathered that high fat diet can trigger neurogenesis that is unwanted

                                 Food Rich In Fat Can Change The Brain
The study was conducted using 2 categories of mice: Those fed with a diet rich in fat and those fed with that is not rich in fat. After about a month of the experiment , adult mice with high fat diet experienced 4 times the rate of neurogenesis in the hypothalamus ( the brain part that regulate metabolism)
Obesity and Brain

The question we have to find answer to is " did neurogenesis cause obesity?" To find the answer to this question, the researchers irradiated the portion of the brains that was newly created. The rediation was able to achieve two things; it inhibited  85% of neurogenesis and also irradiated mice gained significant weight compared to the group which kept their new neural growth- though all of them are  on same fat diet. It was also discovered that irradiated mice  used more energy and were more active despite their unhealthy diet

                             Fight against obesity: Current Techniques

This study has revealed the great link between obesity and the brain but the result must be taken with a little bit of caution as study is only on mice and not humans. Currently more researches are being conducted, but as we wait for the results of those researches, we have to consider the current methods that could help change eating habits
Obesity and Brain

Many Scientist have compared obesity to other addiction according to how they affect the brain. In the study conducted at the University of Amsterdam, it was found out that cognitive training significantly lowered addiction symptoms in individuals with drinking problems. In this study, people who went through this training not only drank less, they also improved brain function

In conclusion, as we await further results from how our dear scientist, it is advisable to engage in some mental trainings to help strengthen your will power. Google is your friend on this, you will find different mental training on the internet if you just search for it

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